
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Donaghy's Admiration of Wonka

Despite the apparent unpopularity of NBC's Thursday night comedy line-up, I remain a huge fan of "The Office," "Parks & Recreation," and "30 Rock."  Tonight, I especially enjoyed the second-to-last episode of the latter.  Next Thursday will be a night of complicated emotions.  It'll be sad to see Liz Lemon and the rest of the gang wrap up TGS, but I recognize that "30 Rock" has outrun its viability as a popular comedy.  Everyone, it seems, has lost interest.

Jack Donaghy is my favorite character.  I'd still watch the show if it only consisted of Alec Baldwin doing monologs!  Donaghy had an especially funny line last night, which inspired me to head straight to a meme generator and cook up a little Internet fun.  Apparently, though, I'm not technically adept enough to post the image...the website won't allow me.  This is the link.  And here is Donaghy's line and a Wonka photo, just for context:

"I do admire Wonka.  He's a true capitalist.  His factory has zero government regulations, slave labor, and an indoor boat.  Wonderful."
Of course, the suggestion that "slave labor" or unbearable working conditions have anything to do with real capitalism is ridiculous.  And as von Mises et al would quickly complain, there has never actually been such a thing as laissez-faire put into practice.  But the part about the indoor boat?  Probably true.  Ah well, even the hardest of libertarians has to be able to laugh at himself, n'est-ce pas?

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